Orange County NC Website
Beoefila Pmiom ABC Board Polley Cume[ ABC Beard Polley Current Orange County Polity <br />Carreellmion of the retiree must not be No chafe If mires renuru to work with another <br />Coverege eligible or became eligible for AC LOCeI Govemmrntemployer ina <br /> ocher group hWsh ivsutvvz position which offers participation N a <br /> verage. Ifcovered by group health plan, Orange County cancels <br /> another group hWth dre mire's heahh insurance which is not <br /> insmanu PWi, the ABC reinnatd. <br /> Bond r- -= hWth Nsmance <br /> berrefits. <br />August 14, 1998 <br />f:\pers\re[ire\abc-bdl.doc <br />