1998 S Sheriff - UNC Special Events Coverage Agreement 09-01-1998 - 8j
Board of County Commissioners
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1998 S Sheriff - UNC Special Events Coverage Agreement 09-01-1998 - 8j
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Agenda - 09-01-1998 - 8j
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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />Tlils Contract dated August I, 1998, between The Uttiveaity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill <br />(the "UrdversiTy") and the Cowty of Orange Qhe "Cowry") forjoint and ooopemvive <br />artangemrnts for security and the provision of law enforcement personnel at cermiv major <br />UNversiry events. <br />W ITNESSETH <br />WHEREAS, the County and the University bane historically cooperated and worked <br />jointly on immmecable maarrs of concem or irteresr, and <br />WHEREAS, the County and the Urdvecsiry have entered into a Mutual Assistance <br />Agreement dated Apri12, 199'1; and <br />WHEREAS, certain University sporting events, such as Ne University's home f [ball <br />and basketball games, and other events at the Student Activities Centeq such az <br />ncens, bring f and alunmi to Chapel Hill and Orange County to rnjoy Ue <br />campus and visit Chapel Hill and Orurge Cowty; and <br />WHEREAS, Ne provision of adequate security, maffic diremioq and law enforcement <br />personnel at such home football and basketball games or other special evenss is a <br />matter of mutual concem and inrerest to the University and Ne County; and <br />WHEREAS, demiledjoint and coopemfive artengemems with inspect to such home <br />football and basketball games and specie! even¢ will mutually benefit the <br />University and the Cowty; eud <br />WHEREAS, We County and Utdversity desire m provide such woperative security <br />arrangemrnts iv addition ro any requests for assistance wder the Mutual <br />Assistance Agreemenq <br />NOW THEREFORE, iv consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and <br />cOndillOns se[ forth below, Ne Cowty and the University agree as follows'. <br />1. The Cowty agrees ro provide uv w fifteen QS) swom law enfomemrnt officers <br />far each 1998 University home football game. <br />2. 1'he Cowty agmes to provide up m flfrern 05) swom law enforcement officers <br />for each 1998-1999 University home men's varsity basketball game. <br />3. The Cowty agrees m provide, if requested, ap to fifteen (15) swom law <br />enfomemeu of5oers for each 199fr1999 University special evem at the Student <br />Activities Cevtu, such as eoveeM1S- <br />
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