Orange County NC Website
STATE OF NORTH CwROLINA <br />ORANGE COCNTY <br />This Covvaw demd Aogusr 1, 1998, besweev The University of NOM Carolina at Chapel Hill <br />(tha "Univesity") and she County of Orange (dse "Cowry") forjoim and cooperative <br />angements for security and the provssmn of law enforcement perso~mel at certain major <br />University evems. <br />W ITNESSETH <br />WHEREAS, the County and the University ltave historically cooperazed and worked <br />jointly on imnmerable manor of canteen or mterert; and <br />WHEREAS, Ilse Couvry and [he Usdversiry have entered into a Mutual Assissance <br />Agreement dated April 2, 199}, and <br />WHEREAS, cermin Univmity sporting events, such es the University's home football <br />and basketball games, asd oNer events at We Snsdens Activities Center, such as <br />ovicerts, bring fans and alumni to Chapel Hill and Orange County to enjoy the <br />campus and visit Chapel Hill and Orange Cowry; and <br />WHEREAS, Ne provision of adega&e xcsuity, trafF<dvection, and law errfomemem <br />personnel at such home football and basketball games or other special events is a <br />nmtter of mutual concern and interest so the University and slx Cowry; and <br />WHEREAS, detailedjoiv[ and coopemtrve atmvgemrnts wiN respect m such home <br />football and basketball games and special events will mutually benefit the <br />University and dx Cowry; and <br />WF~REAS, the County end Usdversiry desve to provide such cwpemrive xcuriry <br />arravgemenss iv addidov m wY requests far assistance under Ne Mutual <br />Aasistwce Agreemrnr, <br />NOW THEREFORE, w costsidemsian ofthe pxmius and Ne mutual wvewnts and <br />conditions set foM below, the County arW Ne University ogre as follows: <br />1. The Cowry agree so provide up ro fifteen (157 swam law enforcemem officers <br />for each 1998 University home football game. <br />2. The County agrees to provide up ro fheen (l5) swom law errfomemem oRcers <br />for eazh 1998-1999 University home men's vazsity basketball game. <br />1. The Cowry agrees to provide, if requested, up to ffteen (IS) swom law <br />eNOrcemem officers for each 1998-1999 Uvivcsity special even at the Student <br />Activities Centeq such as concerts. <br />