Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />3. A11 necessary easements to permit utility (electricity, telephone and <br />cable television by any cable television provider franchised by Orange County <br />to serve this development) installation, servicing and hookups to the <br />development and to each unit within the .develapment shall be provided at na <br />cost to the utility pravider. <br />4. Roads, parking areas, walkways, street signs, utilities, recreation <br />facilities and sites, landscaping and mulching around units shall be <br />maintained as constructed. All such improvements and facilities shall further <br />be maintained and operated in a safe manner. <br />5. The grantee shall promulgate rules and regulations governing tenancy in <br />the development which shall restrict accumulation of trash and. rubbish outside <br />of the mobile home units, shall restrict storage. of goods outside of mobile <br />homes and shall further prohibit the storage of junked or unregistered motor <br />vehicles. The grantee shall file with the Orange County Planning Department a <br />copy of the rules and regulations promulgated under this condition and <br />maintain an up-ta-date copy of the rules and regulations in the Orange County <br />Planning Department. <br />6. A11 roads within the mobile home park including the section from SR 1951 <br />through the existing park shall be hard surfaced in compliance with NC DOT <br />Subdivision Roads P~Iinimum Construction Standards (p.19 E Pavement Design). <br />7. All roads will be named and the names not duplicate any other names <br />within Orange County. Road name signs to Prange County standards shall be <br />erected at all intersections. <br />8. Removal of snow and ice from the roads in the development and the <br />sidewalks within the development shall be the responsibility of the grantee. <br />Such removal shall be completed promptly. <br />9. There shall be at least 2 parking spaces per mobile home unit in the <br />development. <br />14. Mailboxes which are clustered, shall be provided close to each entrance, <br />but far enough ir~Lo the develapment to prevent traffic problems on White Crass <br />Road, A pull-off shall be provided and the mailboxes set back off the main <br />entrance roads. The entrance road and pull-off shall be of sufficient width <br />to allow three or four cars to stop and get mail while others continue to <br />pass. The mailboxes shall not be located in a place that would require cars <br />to cross traffic, make unnatural turns or go against the flow of traffic. <br />Cluster mailboxes shall be located outside of sight triangles far the <br />entranceway. <br />11. Prior to the initiation of construction activity, final approval by the <br />State must be abt4iined for the community well system and the spray irrigation <br />wastewater dispa:~al_ facility. <br />12. The recreation areas shall be constructed as provided in the application <br />and submitted sitr~ 1~lan, with changes as specified below: <br />--~. 1 <br />c,: =may <br />,, <br />'1 <br />l,~ <br />Concrete ba~~~:.rlaall court shall be constructed at grade level and not <br />elevated above gracic. P4inimum size should be 40 feet "fang" by 42 feet "wide" <br />(regulations caurt:~ are 5o feet wade). "Long" here refers to direction <br />