Orange County NC Website
STATE OF 50RTH CAROLINA <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />THIS CONTRACT dated ]we J0. 1998 between The University of <br />NoM Carohna at Chapel Hill (the "University'), end Ne Cowty of Orange (the <br />"County") for provision of w EMS Medical pirector m Omnge County. <br />WITNESgETH <br />Whereaz. the Cowry and the University have hiswrically cooperated and worked <br />jointly on masers of mutwl concern and interen; wd <br />Whereas, the Cowry opuates and meivtains a Depmvnem of Emezgency <br />Mawgement which, az one of its fwc[iore, provides emergency medical care to citizens <br />ofthe Cowty; and <br />Whereas, [he Cowty wishes to have associated with tlvs program a trained <br />physiciw specializing in emergrncy medicine m provide guidance wd support; and <br />Whereas, the University, though its Depanmem ofEmergency Medicine, wishes <br />ro provide [his service for Ne Cowty; and <br />Whereas. perfonnwce of the activities deuribed herein is consistrnt wiN the <br />University's goals of research, teaching, edtwatiov and public service. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in <omideration of Ne premius and the mutual covenants <br />wd conditions set forth plow, the Cowty end the University agree az follows: <br />1. The University agees m provide a physician Rom the Depemnent of <br />Emetgeocy Medicive m carve az EMg Medical Director m the Cowty (hereafter `Yha <br />Medical Director'. <br />2. The dories ofine Medical Director shall include the following: <br />a. Provide medical diregion for Ne emergency medical services <br /> <br />