Orange County NC Website
Fourteenth, the SBTDC authorizes inspection by the Orange Cowty Finwce <br />Director or his designee ofso much ofthe books and records of the SBTDC which <br />document receipt rod expendiNre of Cowty funds. The books rod records ofthe SBTDC <br />shall be made available to the Cowty Finance Dirmtor or his designee upon reasonable <br />notice. <br />FiflernlF, in the evrnt that the SBTDC ceases to fwction or ceases to provide dre <br />ea described herein without a Cowty approved written azsignment or release by <br />Cowty of ils respovsibilities, this agreement will, as to the SBTDC, tenniwte and the <br />SBTDC will remm any moneys paid tlrc SHTDC pumwvt to this agreemwc <br />M WITNESS WHEREOF, Orwge Cowty has cause) this Agreanent to be sigved iv its <br />name by its County Manageq anes[ed by the clerk to the Board ofCommissioners, and <br />seald wilh its corporate seal, and Ne University of Nortb Caroliw e[ Chapel Hill acting <br />for avd ov behalf of im Small Business avd Technology Development Center baz roused <br />this Agreemnt to be signN in its vame by ils Dirxtoq Offlee of Research S«vlces, and <br />etl authority duly Sivrn, the ear and roar first above writen. <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />ATTES <br />ler to tbe0'snge~Na <br />Board of Commissioner <br />JoM .Link / <br />Co ryMawga [OPPICIAL SHAL] <br />UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL <br />(0,.9 .~ AtG~y Or <br />Robert P. Lowmw, <br />Director Office of Research ecvtcea <br />