Agenda - 09-15-1998 - 10b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-15-1998
Agenda - 09-15-1998 - 10b
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Last modified
7/1/2010 3:01:28 PM
Creation date
7/1/2010 3:01:27 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19980915
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
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_ - _ The Orange County Comprehensive Plan contains designations for some of the <br />existing State-maintained roads as arterials or collectors. Section IV-B-3-c-1 of <br />the Subdivision Regulations establishes minimum right-of--way widths for each <br />classification of road: 100 feet for arterials and 70 feet for collectors. If a <br />subdivision is proposed on a road designated in the Comprehensive Plan as <br />either arterial or collector, and the existing dedicated public right-of--way is 60 <br />feet, then additional right-of--way is required whether the application is being <br />processed as a major or a minor subdivision. <br />Every new lot created through subdivisions subject to the Orange County <br />Subdivision Regulations is required to meet the same set of standazds regazdless <br />of the size of the subdivision or whether the applicant is a professional <br />developer or a relative of the property owner. The U.S. Constitution guazantees <br />"equal protection under the law," which in the case of land use regulations <br />means consistently enforcing the same set of standazds for similaz types of <br />development projects. The application of specific standazds varies based only <br />RAFT on location reflecting differences ;n zoning districts, recreation service azeas, <br />Q etc. (One exception is the traffic impact study.) <br />Requiring larger building setbacks does not accomplish the public purpose set <br />forth in Section IV-B-3-c-1, i.e., public right-of-way dedication. Land use <br />buffers (30 feet and 75 feet wide) aze required adjacent to the right-of--way <br />collectors and arterials, but not as a substitute for the right-of-way dedication. <br />The purpose of the Subdivision Regulations includes "to insure adequate <br />planning of street systems." If additional right-of--way for arterials and <br />collectors is not dedicated with adjacent minor subdivision, the opportunity to <br />plan for upgrading those roads to accommodate increased traffic is lost. The <br />obvious result is future traffic congestion on roads that aze unsafe. <br />Dedications of additional road right-of--way aze treated in the same manner as <br />new public roads and stubouts. When the final plat is approved, the property <br />owner signs a certificate on the plat which in part makes the offer of public <br />dedication. Consequently, the County Manager signs another certificate on the <br />plat to accept the offer on behalf of the public. Using this procedure the public <br />right-of--way is held by Orange County on behalf of the public without <br />maintenance responsibility, insuring that it will be available when road <br />improvements aze needed and the State takes over maintenance of the additional <br />right-of-way. <br />AGENDA ITEM #12: REPORTS <br />a. Draft Bicycle Plan <br />Presentation by Slade McCalip. <br />This item is to review a draft Bicycle Transportation Plan for inclusion in the <br />Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan and to review reseazch on <br />Non-Motorized Transportation Facilities in North Cazolina Counties. <br />The Bicycle Plan Component Task Force was appointed by the Orange County <br />Boazd of Commissioners on November 19, 1997 with the following specific <br />chazge: To prepaze a Bicycle Plan Component to the Transportation Element of <br />the Orange County Comprehensive Plan, including recommendations for <br />3. <br />
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