Orange County NC Website
-7-8. Other available financing including, but not limited to, whether other financial <br />institutions have agreed to consider traditional debt financing and under what <br />circumstances. <br />S_9. Should the Loan Committee determine that it needs additional information before <br />granting or denying the application, the Program Administrator will notify the <br />applicant of the information needed. <br />PROPOSED STRUCTURE <br />Each bank participant will commit a revolving credit line on a non - recourse basis to an entity <br />determined by appropriate legal review of the proposed structure. These credit lines will be <br />secured by assignment of the loan receivables to such entity. A 36 -month commitment period <br />will be established during which time each financial institution will fund approved loans on a <br />pro -rata basis. Funding procedures, to include a provision for an appropriate notice mechanism, <br />would be established. At the end of the commitment period, to the extent there are amounts <br />owned under the loan program, the amounts owed would be "termed" for a period of no later <br />than the latest scheduled maturity date for loans outstanding to Borrowers under the program. <br />The County will provide an irrevocable commitment to fund a loan loss reserve equal to 30% of <br />the financial institutions' commitment. All financial institution participants will bear their share <br />of any losses (70% of principal, interest, collection fees, etc.) incurred under the program. <br />Collection procedures and loss procedures will be established Repayment of the financial <br />institutions' loans will be on a monthly basis and will consist of the net proceeds received from <br />Borrowers under the program. The established entity will pay each financial institution its <br />percentage share of those net proceeds on a monthly basis. <br />This proposed structure may be subject to modification based upon the review and advice of <br />appropriate counsel. <br />LOAN LOSS RESERVE <br />In the first year a Loan Loss Reserve of $50,000 (30 %) must be 100% irrevocably <br />committed by Orange County prior to implementation or activation of the Orange County <br />Loan Program. In year two, an additional $50,000 must be committed. In year three, <br />$50,000 must be committed, bringing the County total to 30% of the one -half million <br />dollar loan capacity. <br />Loan Loss Reserve to be provided by Orange County shall be funded in an amount not <br />less than 301% of the aggregate loans made during the term of the program, less amounts <br />paid from the reserve to the participating financial institutions. <br />LOAN CON AI= <br />