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Protection of Animals <br />8 <br />(c) Animal cruelty investigators shall take and subscribe the oath of office required <br />of public officials. The oath shall be filed with the clerk of superior court. Animal cru- <br />elty investigators shall not be required to post any bond. <br />(d) Upon approval by the board of county commissioners, the animal cruelty investi- <br />gator or investigators may be reimbursed for all necessary and actual expenses, to be <br />paid by the county. <br />(1979, c. 8o8, s. r.) <br />§ r9A -46. Powers; magistrate's order; execution of order; petition; notice to <br />owner. <br />(a) Whenever any animal is being cruelly treated as defined in G.S. 19A -I(2), an ani- <br />mal cruelty investigator may file with a magistrate a sworn complaint requesting an or- <br />der allowing the investigator to provide suitable care for and take immediate custody of <br />the animal. The magistrate shall issue the order only when he finds probable cause to <br />believe that the animal is being cruelly treated and that it is necessary for the investiga- <br />tor to immediately take custody of it. Any magistrate's order issued under this section <br />shall be valid for only 24 hours after its issuance. After he executes the order, the ani- <br />mal cruelty investigator shall return it with a written inventory of the animals seized to <br />the clerk of court in the county where the order was issued. <br />(b) The animal cruelty investigator may request a law- enforcement officer or animal <br />control officer to accompany him to help him seize the animal. An investigator may <br />forcibly enter any premises or vehicle when necessary to execute the order only if he <br />reasonably believes that the premises or vehicle is unoccupied by any person and that <br />the animal is on the premises or in the vehicle. Forcible entry shall be used only when <br />the animal cruelty investigator is accompanied by a law -enforcement officer. In any <br />case, he must give notice of his identity and purpose to anyone who may be present be- <br />fore entering said premises. Forcible entry shall only be used during the daylight hours. <br />(c) When he has taken custody of such an animal, the animal cruelty investigator <br />shall file a complaint pursuant to Article t of this Chapter as soon as possible. When he <br />seizes the animal, he shall leave with the owner, if known, or affixed to the premises or <br />vehicle a copy of the magistrate's order and a written notice of a description of the ani- <br />mal, the place where the animal will be taken, the reason for taking the animal, and the <br />investigator's intent to file a complaint in district court requesting custody of the ani- <br />mal pursuant to Article t of this Chapter. <br />(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of G.S. 7A- 3o5(c), any person who commences a <br />proceeding under this Article or Article I of this Chapter shall not be required to pay <br />any court costs or fees prior to a final judicial determination as provided in G.S. 19A -4, <br />at which time those costs shall be paid pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 6-t8. <br />(e) Any judicial order authorizing forcible entry shall be issued by a district court judge. <br />(1979• c. 8o8, s. r.) <br />§ rqA -47. Care of seized animals. <br />The investigator must take any animal he seizes directly to some safe and secure <br />place and provide suitable care for it. The necessary expenses of caring for seized ani- <br />mals, including necessary veterinary care, shall be a charge against the animal's owner <br />and a lien on the animal to be enforced as provided by G.S. 44A -4. <br />(1979, c. 8o8, s. I.) <br />i <br />I <br />q <br />t 'F <br />11 b•i <br />I�. <br />Ali <br />