Orange County NC Website
ANIMAL PROTECTION SOCIETY OF ORANGE COUNTY <br />3 <br />1 061 AIRPORT ROAD CHAPEL HILL. NORTH CAROLINA 2751 4 <br />" - TELEPHONE 91 9-967-7383 FAX 91 9-967-751 7 <br />John Link, Manager <br />Orange County <br />PO Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27281 <br />Dear Mr. Link: <br />As Fall approaches we are planning our investigation program for <br />1999. We have lost two major people in our organization: Sandy <br />Christiansen, one of our 19-a County-appointed cruelty <br />investigators, has accepted the position of Director of Animal <br />Control of Rochester, New York, contracted with the Lollipop <br />Humane Society there. We are very proud of him. We are also <br />proud of our program, since he came to the APS with no <br />experience, and within five years has excelled in the field. <br />Amanda Graham, our second County-appointed cruelty investigator, <br />and our APS Associate Director, is returning to graduate school <br />in Greensboro. While we already miss her on a day-to-day basis, <br />she wants to stay active in animal investigation, and has asked <br />to remain an APS County-appointed cruelty investigator. Her <br />appointment comes up in September. <br />APS would like to ask the Commissioners to re-appoint Amanda <br />Graham, and to appoint Lorri Mitchell as our second 19-A <br />investigator. <br />Lorri Mitchell. has worked for the APS for three years in a <br />management position. She has attended a basic investiga- <br />tion course and the three-day Horse Cruelty Investigator's <br />Workshop, co-sponsored by the APS, HSUS, and N.C. State Equine <br />Program. She also attended the Animal Cruelty Course: Dog <br />Fighting at Alamance Community College in April 1998. Lorri has <br />been in charge of incoming cruelty complaints and cross- <br />referencing with Orange County Animal Control. She is currently <br />accompanying Officer Melton on kennel inspections, and they <br />appear to work well together. <br />Lorri has field experience as the backup to our investigators, <br />and Sandy Christiansen has apprenticed her <br />field work. She has a B.A. in Criminology <br /> <br />for investigation <br />from UNC-CH. She works <br />1 <br />