Orange County NC Website
Administrative Plan <br />Orange County <br />Section 8 Housing Certificate and Voucher Programs <br />An Executive Summary <br />Every housing agency that administers the Section 8 Certificate and Voucher programs must <br />adopt a written Administrative Plan that establishes local policies for administration of the <br />program in accordance with HUD requirements. Further, HUD regulations require that the plan <br />be approved by the agency's governing board by resolution. <br />The last Administrative Plan was approved on May 1, 1995. Since that time there have been <br />several statutory and regulatory changes in the program which have been incorporated into this <br />revised version of the Plan. Specifically, HUD requires that all Plans contain the following <br />items. The italicized statements are new statements in the plan. <br />1. Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Certification <br />It is the policy of the Housing Authority to comply fully with all Federal, State and Local <br />Non - discrimination laws and with the rules and regulations governing Fair Housing and <br />Equal Opportunity in housing and employment. (p. 1 -5) <br />2. Administrative Fee Reserve Expenditures <br />All expenditures from the administrative fee reserve will be approved by the Orange <br />County Board of Commissioners and made in accordance with the approved budget. <br />3. Procedures for encouraging participation by owners of suitable units outside areas <br />of low income or minority concentration. <br />Families are encouraged to search for housing in non - impacted areas and the HA will <br />provide assistance to families who wish to do so. (p. 8 -5) <br />4. Definition of Family <br />A family may be a single person or a group of persons. The designation of a co -head is <br />included in the definition of a family as an individual who is equally responsible for the <br />lease with the Head of Household (p. 2 -2, 3) <br />5. Definition of Continuously Assisted <br />An applicant is continuously assisted under the 1937 Housing Act if the family is already <br />receiving assistance under any 1937 Housing Act Program when the family is admitted to <br />the certificate or voucher program. (p. GL-4) <br />6. Procedure for Issuing and Denying Certificates and Vouchers <br />No Change <br />