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5450.00. His self-esteem is flourishing now that he is able to support his child and <br />himself. <br />S. Snipes was a nineteen year-old single mom with ttivo children. She made <br />only 56 an hour and worked short hours as a Certified Nurse Aid. We decided on <br />the basis of her needs and JTPA assessment the best course was an upgrade to CNA <br />II. We discovered that IJNC hospital paid up to 511.65 an hour for e!tperienced <br />CNA II's with special training. As special training she selected phlebotomy, and <br />pharmacy tech. She is currently working full-time and making 58.50 an hour with <br />state benefits and is looking into further training. She has gone through these <br />courses like Ms. Pacman, making excellent grades. She has been assured of another <br />higher paying position when she obtains all of her certifications after completing her <br />state boards. <br />In Hillsborough we have used this same system with a number of clients <br />allowing each to finish a course and decide for themselves if they were ready to take <br />another course and to select one of their choice within their field. We take <br />advantage of community college courses as much as possible, but go to private <br />school training when necessary to upgrade family welfare as swiftly as necessary. <br />Most of our clients are living on a narrow edge financially. Besides the <br />regular counseling we do, it is necessary to help prevent eviction, get automobiles <br />repaired, find jobs, provide childcare services for emergency situations, keep <br />utilities turned on and administer to bruised psyches. <br />4 <br />r <br />