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Attachment II <br /> <br />3 <br />B. Yarboro was a 23-year old man with dyslexia. His mother had pressured <br />and cajoled him to stay in high school until he ryas 21 to take advantage of all the <br />special classes he could. His work history showed his willingness to work, but even <br />if he made $6 an hour, he never could get a 40-hour week. He wanted so much to <br />earn a living and support for his son. His difficulty with reading kept him from <br />getting better jobs and kept people from taking him seriously. <br />His Career assessment had to be adapted _to his special needs. He gave <br />excellent answers when the questions were read to him. The school we selected <br />agreed to accept B. with these special needs, but without a lot of help and support <br />from his family he would not have been able to have completed his training. <br />We sent B. to a truck driving school. It took him a long time to complete the <br />course. The school would send him home with his workbooks, etc. and tell him to <br />come back when he had obtained permits, was ready to be tested, or had reached <br />whatever stage he needed. Family members read his workbooks to him. We all <br />constantly reassured him or chewed him out. He was so afraid of failing and <br />ruining what he felt was his last chance, it was difficult for him to take a test. We <br />also assisted his family with daycare funds for his son while he was in school and <br />unable to work. <br />He did finish the course, got his license and promptly got a job driving a <br />personnel van for a potiver company. He works 40-hour weeks plus a lot of <br />overtime. He makes $9.88 an hour and with overtime pay his weekly wages average. <br />