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Attachment III <br />I was first introduced to JTPA in 1994. I was a.single parent on welfare and <br />living in public housing. I wanted to improve my life and my son's. JTPA helped me do <br />this. For the next 2 years, JTPA provided tuition and money for books and supplies for <br />me to attend Durham Technical Community College. JTPA also provided additional <br />funding for me to attend Novell networking classes at Accelerated Computer Services in <br />the RTP. The funds that JTPA provided was important but not as important as the <br />constant encouragement and support given to me by Sheryl Andrews. Sheryl was there <br />for me from the first day we met up to the present. She was there to offer professional <br />and personal support. I definitely would have given up if it were not for her. I graduated <br />in 1996 with a degree in Microcomputer Systems Technology with a 3.9 G.P.A. and a <br />diploma in Applications Software with a 4.0 G.P.A. I was also a Certified NetWare <br />Administrator for Novell's network operating system. After graduation, I went to work <br />for Orange County Government as a temporary summer employee in the Information <br />Systems Department. JTPA was still there supporting and encouraging me. Within three <br />months of graduating, Ibegan atwo-year career at ZINC-Chapel Hill as a Computer <br />System Administrator. <br />I can not emphasize enough how much JTPA has helped me in the last 4 years. <br />They have always been supportive, constantly encouraging me to do my best and to reach <br />higher. I hear other people say that there is no way they can afford to return to school or <br />they don't know what career they would be interested in. I always refer them to 7TPA. <br />JTPA is able to offer financial assistance but once again more importantly, the counseling <br />and encouragement that is needed. With JTPA's help, I no longer receive any type of <br />public assistance. I have tripled my salary in the past two years. Finally I have come full <br />circle and am a full-time faculty member at Durham Technical Community College as an <br />Information Systems Instructor. Thank you Sheryl and JTPA! <br />10 <br />Michele Parrish <br />August 27, 1998 <br />