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"Local governments shall continue to work, through the LOG, to site a transfer station <br />and work to develop options for materials recovery and construction and demolition <br />disposal." <br />COM IEENT: There is also a difference here between the Council's July 2nd position and <br />the County's. <br />TRANSFER STATION: The Council's position was to plan for a transfer station <br />(meaning in Orange County) if no regional alternatives could be found. Sites in Orange <br />that have been mentioned for this facility include the three properties on the north side of <br />Eubanks (Mrs. Deng - Johnson`s parcels and the one in between), the Greene Tract and the <br />Economic Development Districts. The LOG staff is in the process of getting information <br />on the possibility of use of the Durham transfer station. This will include information on <br />whether the Durham transfer station could accommodate Orange garbage as well as <br />additional costs to local governments for hauling garbage to the Durham station. A <br />presentation on this will be made to the LOG at its September 10th meeting. The <br />Council's July 2nd resolution acknowledged that there will be no search for a future <br />landfill site at this time. There seemed to be a recognition that while we need to work on a <br />transfer station, this issue was not as critical at this time as the MRF and C&D sites. <br />MATERIALS RECOVERY FACILITY: The County's position of woridng to develop <br />options for a materials recovery facility is another area of difference. The Council's July <br />2nd position was that we need to acquire a site (or use an existing LOG owned property) <br />for a MRF by fall. There is a much more immediate need for a MRF than a transfer <br />station The LOG already has options for a MRF. There will be a staff report at the <br />, ptember 10th LCG meeting on tiie Economic Development Districts in the County and <br />costs associated with using those sites for a MRF and transfer station. We also have <br />under consideration the three tracts of land on the north side of Eubanks Road as well as <br />the Greene Tract. Funds for a MRF consultant were allocated in ,last year's solid waste <br />budget and presumably will be reappropriated in this year's budget. The staff has just <br />completed a search, selected a consultant and is in contract negotiations now. When this <br />work is finalized in the near future, there will be a need, certainly within a short time, for a <br />chosen site for the consultant, in order to work with the LOG, all other elected officials, <br />the public and the staff; to develop plans for the facility. We have a variety of options for <br />a site and and on July 2nd the Council acknowledged the need to make a selection and <br />move forward. <br />CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION SITE: Once again there is a difference <br />between the Council's and the County's positions. The staff calculates that our present <br />facility has possibly 18 months of life left. This does create a need to move ahead with <br />siting a replacement facility or face the possibility of not having a C&D facility in Orange <br />County. The LOG i has three sites under consideration, including the Greene Tract, Mrs. <br />Blackwood's property and the site on Old 86. A public hearing on these sites as well as <br />the need for a C&D facility was set by the LOG and endorsed by the Council. The time <br />for that public hearing is September 10th, at 7:30 PM after the LOG meeting. This will be <br />h--.d in the Orange County Humaz Resource.- Building on Homestead Roan. <br />