Orange County NC Website
on all sides. The LOG then makes recommendations with the final budget included in the <br />Chapel Hill Town Council budget. <br />"As part of financing mechanism, all boards endorse implementation of a 'Chapel Hi11- <br />Carrboro-Orange County (and I believe Hillsborough was added) Solid Waste Availability <br />Fee' for all county residents." <br />COMMENT: Currently there is a LOG committee working with a consultant to <br />determine the best means of funding current and future solid waste operations in Orange <br />County. A great deal of time, expert thought, discussion by elected officials and staff, as <br />well as tax dollars have been put into this effort. Before agreeing to any funding <br />mechanism, it would seem best to at least have the benefit of the information gathered <br />and recommendation(s) from this committee. The next meeting of this LOG committee is <br />on Thursday, September 17, at 8:30 AM in the Chapel Bill public library meeting room. <br />"Solid waste operations shall continue to operate as an enterprise fund to the extent <br />Possible after the County assumes responsibility, but the County shall have the option of <br />implementing other fees, and shall not be required to use general fiuuds for solid waste <br />management activities." <br />COMMENT: This needs some clarification as to what is meant by other <br />fees," Does this mean fees other than the recommendations) that will come from the <br />LOG Finance Committee and endorsed by all local governments. Earlier the Council <br />supported continuing solid waste operations as an enterprise fund. <br />".,U] p:rues will sign the Interiocal Agreement after it has been revised tc incorporate <br />modifications." <br />COMMIl NT: On July 2nd, the Council suggested that before any agreement on <br />governance is made, that solid waste issues, including a C&D site, a MRF site, a transfer <br />station site and future financing methods be resolved. <br />"Sixty acres of the Greene Tract shall be set aside for use by the County in future solid <br />waste management activities. The balance of the Greene Tract shall remain under the <br />ownership of the current owners, who shall determine its future use." <br />COMMENT: There is a difference between the Council's and County's positions. Our <br />suggestion was that we needed to begin discussions on whether to keep the Greene Tract <br />as publically owned land, and if so, what if any uses would be suitable. The Council also <br />indicated that a decision about the Greene Tract should not delay the transfer of <br />governance.. We all probably have our preferences for the Greene Tract, but agreeing to <br />set aside such a large portion of this tract for unspecified future solid waste management <br />activities without discussions about a wide range of possible uses and the financial, <br />environmental8ndlocial implications #or each potential uses, and without-public input, <br />seems contrary to our July resolution. Also there is no indication about what solid waste <br />management activities were contemplated in this proposal. We need to have some <br />specifics about what this means. <br />