Orange County NC Website
AGENDA* 9b <br />Memo to: Mayor and Council <br />From: Joyce Brown, Chair, Landfill Owners Group <br />Subject: Solid Waste Matters <br />Date: August 21, 1998 <br />As you are aware, the Orange County Commissioners recently completed discussions on <br />solid waste matters and will issue a final report to all local governments soon. Following <br />is the ten point proposal as discussed on August 1 Ith by the Commissioners. - It is my <br />understanding that this proposal was approved with minor changes and a few additions. It <br />seemed appropriate to use this as a vehicle to bring the Council an update on LOG matters <br />as requested by the Council, as well as comment on the proposal and compare it with the <br />Council's July 2nd discussion and Resolution where appropriate. The County's ten points <br />are in quotation marks with my comments directly following. From my reading of the <br />Council's July 2nd action and the County's proposal, there are area of agreement as well <br />as disagreement between the Council's and County's positions. It is my hope that this <br />memo will provide information and be a part of our continued discussions on solid waste <br />matters and help in giving guidance to the Council's LOG representatives for the LOG's <br />September 10th meeting which will include the Orange County Commission's report. <br />wi;i assume solid writ: mana?cmerrt r sponzibil ry C4.tobe, 1, I: ^3 to include <br />current and fixture operations." <br />COMMENT: An appropriate time to agree to this would be after all differences have <br />been resolved. <br />"County will accept transfer of all Chapel Bill (I believe the phrase "the number of <br />positions" was added into this proposal) solid waste management personnel who are on <br />staff as of September 30, 1998." <br />COIv N=: This is in keeping with the Council's July 2nd suggestion that all of the <br />system employees will be transferred to the County. It would be helpful for future <br />discussions, however, to know what additional personnel and administrative costs are <br />contemnlared. 1 his would be consistent with the Council's suggestion that administratiave <br />costs will not substantially increase. <br />"County shall approve the 1999 -2000 solid waste management operating budget. " <br />COMMENT: This is consistent with the present practice of final approval of the solid <br />waste budget by Chapel Dill, with the major difference being that-all local governments <br />now have considerable influence on the budget through the LOG. All elected officials in <br />Orange County need to realize that this will be a significant change. While there have <br />been many complaints about the LOG, there has always been a budget which has <br />satisfactorily me the solid waste needs of locsLt govt. -nmc,, s and Orange County citizens. <br />'us oudget ha, been generated by staff dism=sed by the LOG with some give and take <br />