Orange County NC Website
Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Proposal for Assuming Responsibility for Solid Waste Management Operations <br />August 11, 1995 <br />L Visio_ n/Goals <br />A. The Board confirmed its commitment to the solid waste goals as adopted in December 1995. <br />B. The Board confirmed its adherence to the six principles it identified in November 1997 (with minor modifications <br />noted where applicable in the sections that follow). Those principles are: <br />1. Enterprise fund operation (i.e. revenues must meet or exceed expenditures). <br />2. The Greene Tract remains a landfill asset <br />3. No restrictions on acquisition of additionai acrezge at the current landfill. <br />4. Whoever is responsible for countywide solid waste system needs committed partners to make an enterprise <br />operation economically viable. <br />S. All community benefits to be provided through the landfill enterprise. <br />6. Seek a solution in which reduction of solid waste and the economic viability of the solid waste facility are in <br />concert — right now, when solid waste is reduced, the landfill suffers financially. <br />LL Community Benef4ts <br />A. With regard to principle #5 (Section I -B) and the financing of water line extensions to neighborhoods adjacent to the <br />Eubanks Road landfill, the Board indicated its preference that the County and Towns share the cost using one cent <br />sales tax revenue based on each jurisdiction's share of that revenue source (Orange County - Chapel Hill- Carrboro <br />shares are rougniy 65"/.- 26 %-y%, per Attachment 3 to the Manager's August i 1 report). If agreement cannot be <br />reached to use this revenue source, then the water line extensions should be funded using LOG resources. <br />III. Governance/Management <br />A. If agreement with the Towns is reached on points as noted, the County will assume solid waste management <br />responsibility no earlier than October 1, 19k to include current and future operations. <br />B. The County will accept transfer of all Chapel Hill solid waste management positions that exist as of September 30, <br />1998. <br />C. If the County assumes the lead role, the Board of Commissioners shall approve the 1999 -2000 solid waste <br />management operating budget. <br />D. All parties will sign the Interloeal Agreement after it has been revised to incorporate modifications. <br />E. With regard to principle 44 (section I -B), the Board emphasized the importance of having committed partners. <br />F. Until the County assumes responsibility, the LOG shall continue to direct solid waste management, as in the past, <br />including operating by consensus. <br />G. Each government shall appoint two representatives to a Solid Waste Management Advisory Commission, pursuant to <br />an adopted Interlocal Agreement, which shall succeed the LOG and begin meeting after adoption of the 1999 -2000 <br />budget (no later than July 1, 1999). <br />