Orange County NC Website
July 2, 1998 <br />Memo to: Council Members <br />From: Mayor Waldorf <br />Re: A proposal for governance of the solid waste system <br />I offer the following proposal for governance of future solid waste management <br />operations for your consideration. It is an option that has been mentioned, but never <br />much discussed, at Council meetings. You will see that it is rather general, but I <br />believe it is quite workable if our partners can agree to it, or to some variation of it. I <br />have told both Mayor Nelson and Chairman Brown that I would probably offer this <br />suggestion to Council today, and asked them directly if they would in any way take <br />offense: Both assured me that they would not. Let me state emphatically that it is not <br />my intent to create any division among the partners, or to prolong this process. I am <br />searching for an approach that will move the process forward. <br />ACTION STEPS <br />Step 1. Conclude site selections for a C &D disposal facility and a MRF and transfer <br />station. The LOG is attempting to do this now. Acquire the properties, using landfill <br />reserves. These decisions, which would be ratified by all the LOG partners, would <br />settle key policy and operational issues. <br />Step 2. Agree that Chapel Hill will administer future solid waste management <br />operations, specifically: <br />-- Operate the landfill until it is closed, and assume responsibility for post- closure <br />monitoring. - <br />-- Construct and operate a new C &D facility indefinitely. <br />-- Supervise design of a MRF; negotiate contract with a private company to build <br />and operate a MRF. (I recommend that we pin down our minimum predictable <br />recyclables stream before we make this large financial commitment. For a MRF, <br />more recyclables are better; in fact, it's hard to have enough. ) <br />-- Supervise design and construction of a transfer station. Negotiate contract <br />with an out of county hauler and disposer. Manage the transfer station <br />operation indefinitely. <br />Step 3. Agree on dimension of shared budget oversight, and whether we should have <br />an advisory board. (Accomplish these steps quickly.) <br />BASIC ASSUMPTIONS <br />Peesonnel: Qualified solid waste management staff would retain their jobs, as <br />emnicvaes of the town of Chapel Hill. Our manager, assistant manager and at:omey <br />would continue to provide management and legal advice. <br />