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A RESOLUTION OFFERING SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THE COUNTY ASSUMING <br />ADMINISTRATION OF SOLID WASTE MATTERS FOR ORANGE COUN'T'Y WITH A <br />REQUEST FOR A REPLY (98- 7- 2/R -1) <br />WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Chapel Dill is one of three governments which own the <br />Orange Regional landfill; and <br />WHEREAS, representatives of the governing body of each owner form the Landfill Owners Group, <br />which advises the governments on matters of solid waste management; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Chapel IUL under the 1972 agreement, operates the landfill; and <br />WHEREAS, the three owners of the landfill have raised significant questions about future means of <br />reducing and disposing of solid waste, and about finure governance of solid waste management in <br />Orange County; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Bin that its <br />representatives on the Landfill Owners Group are requested to pursue the following objectives: <br />1. Join with the other Landfill Owners Group members to hold a public hearing in September on the <br />three sites presently under consideration by the Landfill Owners Group. Acquire a site for a <br />construction and demolition waste landfill by fall of 1998. Continue to be open to other possibilities . <br />that may arise. <br />2. Acquire a site, if acquisition is necessary, for a materials recovery fiucility by fall of 1998 and proceed <br />to plan and build it. The site next to the landfill on the north side of Eubanks Road is one possible site <br />and the power of eminent domain should be used if necessary; the Greene Tract is another possible site <br />which would not require acquisition_ Continue to be open to other possibilities that may arise. <br />3. Plan for a transfer station if no alternatives, including use of exstmg transfer stations in other <br />locations, can be found. Begin to identify possible locations. The site next to the landfill on north <br />site of Eubanks Road is one possible site and the Greene Tract is another possible site. <br />4. Use the Landfill Fund reserves to finance the acquisition of sites for and construction of solid waste <br />facilities. <br />5. Acknowledge at this time that there will be no search for a firture landfill site recognizing that this <br />will not be binding on any future governments. <br />6. We desire a quick resolution to governance issues. <br />7. Recognize that a decision about the Greene Tract should not delay the transfer of governance. <br />8. In all finance issues, be sensitive to the issue of double taxation. <br />This the 2nd day of July, 1998 <br />