Orange County NC Website
Margaret Brown <br />Page 8 <br />We would add three other items which are important to the Town Council <br />1. We believe that all current Solid Waste Department employees should be transferred to the <br />County, where they would become County employees subject to the supervision of the County <br />Manager. <br />2. We caution that the administrati�,e cost factor not substantially increase. It is currently based on <br />13.5% of the salaries of Solid Waste employees. <br />3. We believe that all ofthe solid waste issues now pending should be resolved before any agreement <br />on changes in governance, including the need for a construction and demolition waste landfill, <br />siting a construction and demolition landfill, sting a materials recovery facility, siting a transfer <br />station and the resolution of firture financing methods for solid waste operations. <br />We in Chapel Bill look forward to receiving your proposed agreement in the fall and recognize that, <br />whoever nms solid waste operations, we will all need to work together to make these decisions. <br />Continued cooperation among the governments win serve the welfare of the residents of this <br />community. <br />Sincerely, <br />Rosemary I. Waldorf <br />Mayor <br />enclosw es <br />cc: Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Mayor and Canboro Board of Aldermen <br />Mayor and IElsborough Board of Commissioners <br />RIW:ddh <br />