Orange County NC Website
Margaret Brown <br />Page '7 <br />Three potential sites are before the Landfill Owners Group now: a) an extension of the present <br />C&D site onto land owned primarily by Ms. Blackwood, b) the Greene tract, and 3) a site within 2 <br />miles of the present landfill whose owner wishes to keep the location confidential. <br />a) The Blackwood site would be the most efficient and economical to operate, because it would be an <br />extension of present operations. The same scales, equipment, access road and supervision could <br />continue to be used. No land would need to be acquired for a buffer where it adjoins the present <br />landfill. However, it would come close to the home of Ms. Blackwood and of Mr. Nunn, and Ms. <br />Blackwood has recently repeated her refusal to sell her land for use as a landfill. <br />b) The Greene tract would have the lowest acquisition costs: it is presently owned by the three landfill <br />partners. It could use the same scales, equipment and supervision. However, it is surrounded by <br />developed neighborhoods. The Landfill Owners Group unanimously adopted a resolution on <br />February 18 recommending to the governing boards that the Greene tract not be used for a C&D <br />landfill, a materials recovery facility or a transfer station. And, we believe that the land is too <br />valuable to use this way, both in terms of the market price and in terms of the role it could play in <br />creating a village center, a park, affordable housing, and/or other elements of the Council's vision <br />for the northern part of our planning area. <br />c) The third site has the advantages of being well- buffered from the closest house and being freely <br />offered for sale. It is also close enough to the mixed solid waste landfill to minimize inconvenience <br />to customers who have to be redirected to the C&D landfill, and close enough for supervision and <br />some equipment to be shared. It is the only site found preliminarily to be suitable for a C&D <br />landfill after a county wide search for land freely offered for sale. Its total price may be higher than <br />we would expect to pay for the smaller parcels owned by Ms. Blackwood and an out of town <br />owner, but we believe its isolation f Tom ne bbors and the bat that it is voluntarily offered for sale <br />are worth the price. <br />We discuss below how the acquisition of these sites could be financed. <br />Acquire a site for a material recovery facility (N RF) now and proceed to plan and build it. <br />Such a facility is necessary for a siggnificant increase in recycling and concomitant reduction in <br />municipal solid waste going into the mixed solid waste landfill. The three parcels directly west of <br />the current landfill property on the north side of Eubanks Road together make an excellent site. <br />The power of eminent domain should be used if necessary. It would take about three years to <br />design, permit and build a materials recovery facility, once the site has been acquired. <br />Use the Landfill Fund reserves to fmance the acquisition of both sites. There is enough in <br />reserve for the acquisition of sites for both a materials recovery facility and a C&D landfill, as well <br />as for the development of the rest of the present mixed solid waste landfill and its closure. <br />Attachment 5 includes tables detailing the present and projected status of the reserve funds <br />ass mm that the recommended sites for the materials recovery facility and the C&D landfill are <br />acquired in 1998 -99. <br />?. Conciude issues concerning governance. Lack of agreement on governance has made it difficult <br />to make decisions effectively and in a timely manner. It has created unnecessary and time- <br />consuming steps for all the elected officials to go through. Staffing these extra steps has taken time <br />awav from the business of manaoinv the current operations. <br />