Orange County NC Website
Margaret Brown <br />Page 5 <br />construction and demolition facility and for a transfer station/materials recovery facility, and pay for the <br />construction of the transfer station in 20005 -06 (assuming a construction and demolition management <br />facility site can be developed, preventing C&D wastes from shifting to the lined landfill). The <br />construction and demolition facility could pay for all C&D operations and, in addition, could probably <br />fund post - closure expenses for the required thirty years for the Eubanks Road landfill. <br />It is also our opinion that current and future landfill revenues will be insufficient to fund all the new <br />costs related to the implementation of the solid waste plan Additionally, revenues from the transfer <br />station would be needed to fund the waste transfer operation, with little or none left over for funding of <br />recycling or waste reduction programs. Once the landfiIl reaches capacity, those existing recycfpg and <br />waste reduction programs being funded from landfill revenues would also need to receive other <br />funding. <br />In summary, we believe that the main financial issue is how to fiord county wide recycling, processing <br />and waste reduction programs. Other programs could probably be self -sustiinitig. These issues will be <br />discussed in detail by the Landfill Owners Group and its Finance Committee. <br />Administration <br />Attached is a copy of the Town's policy on reduction in force. However, we cannot comment now on <br />what the Town would do if it finds that a reduced waste stream would allow a decrease in solid waste <br />staff. It would depend on the situation in the rest of the Town's organization and exactly which <br />positions were not needed. <br />We do not envision a significantly reduced waste steam in the near future. Rather, we expect a major <br />shift of waste materials from disposal to recycling, and shift of resources from landfill to recycling and <br />waste reduction activities. If the adopted solid waste management plan is implemented, recycling and <br />waste reduction services for the county will be expanded- <br />Thing of Potential Transfer of Responsibility for Solid Waste Operati ons <br />The County _Commissioners note that it would take a year for the County to assume administration of <br />solid waste management activities after an agreement on governance is concluded. The Town can <br />continue to manage solid waste operations indefinitely, but we believe that a decision must be made. <br />We are especially concerned about the stress being experienced by landfill employees, who, for several <br />years have had no certainty about their future employer or their firture employment. We would <br />emphasize our sense of urgency about the County completing a proposal this fall so that we might <br />resolve issues of governance and be able to focus on the solid waste management needs of the <br />community. <br />Community Benefits <br />We agree with the resolution of the Landfill Owners Group adopted unanimously on February 18, <br />1998, that the Greene tract not be used for C&D, MRF, or transfer station operations. In addition, <br />State regulations would not allow its use for a mixed solid waste landfill because of its proximity to <br />Horace Williams Airport. <br />We would not object to asking OWASA to consider a means of waiving or reducing its fees to help <br />fund neighborhood benefits. <br />