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Margaret Brown <br />Page 3 <br />Point AT Direction of reserve funds to the planning and development of new facilities <br />Landfill Fund reserve accounts have been established to provide for part of the costs of planning and <br />establishing new facilities, as follows: <br />• The Equipment Reserve is intended to provide for the equipment needed for daily <br />operations. <br />• The Eubanks Road Reserve is intended to pay for the planning and construction of the <br />remaining cell of the Eubanks Road landfill, as well as the final cover and closing of that <br />facility. <br />The Land Acquisition and Construction Reserve is available and sufficient for the <br />acquisition of land for a material recovery facrti'ty (MRF), a transfer station and a <br />construction and demolition disposal facility. <br />,Operating funds have been appropriated for the planning for a MRF, with the understanding that the <br />MRF would be designed, built and operated by a private party. If the governments decide that it is <br />advantageous for the Landfill Owners Group to retain ownership of the building itself and/or the <br />equipment within, this reserve fund could also contribute, as funds are available, to this expense. The <br />attached tables (Attachment 5) demonstrate how the present reserves could, with continued annual <br />contributions, finance site acquisition and development of the needed additional facilities. <br />The Finance Committee of the Landfill Owners Group will be discussing financing issues for all <br />contemplated facilities and programs over the summer, reporting back to the full Owners Group. We <br />anticipate that the Landfill Owners Group will further discuss financing issues this fall following the <br />Finance Committee's work <br />We agree that discussion among the two stags would be helpfiil in developing options for the future <br />disposition of the administration building currently located in the Chapel Dill Public Works yard. In this <br />regard, we note that it is likely that sufficient property could result from proposed land acquisition for <br />some of the above mentioned facilities to site a new or relocated administration building. <br />