Orange County NC Website
Margaret Brown <br />Page 2 <br />Therefore, we believe that it would be prudent to establish alternative funding to be incorporated into <br />the Fiscal 1999/00 landfill budget. A necessary step before recycling can be substantially increased is <br />the siting, building and operation of a materials recovery facility. The siting and development of a <br />construction and demolition landfill is needed now to help extend the life of the mixed solid waste <br />landfill- A transfer station may be needed in 2005 -06 when the current landO is M. Therefore, we <br />believe it is advisable to initiate additional funding sources as soon as possible to begin accumulating <br />needed capital funds. <br />A LOG committee is currently exploring financing methods in addition to the tip fee. until that work <br />in completed this sun mw, we would not want to exclude the use of any potential financial source, <br />including pay -as- you -throw fees and the General Fund of any of the governmental bodies. <br />Presently the solid waste operation is an enterprise fimd. It is assumed from this section that the <br />County intends to continue to deal with solid waste matters in the same way, but this is not clearly <br />stated. It would be helpful to have the County say that it intends to continue the solid waste operations <br />as an enterprise fiord. Also a LOG financing committee has been at work for several months and will <br />make recommendations in the fimture to the LOG for review and consideration for all the governing <br />bodies in Orange County. It would be helpful for the County to acknowledge this committee and let us <br />know how it plans to use these recommendations. <br />Point A5: Participation of Carrboro and Chanel Frill in financing community benefits <br />We continue to believe that the issue of double taxation is an important one. We believe that all county <br />residents should share equally in the funding of any water service Imes provided to the community <br />around the present landfill, using the principle of one person/one tax. Several means of County finding <br />could avoid the double taxation of municipal taxpayers. We support the County either paying from its <br />operating budget or financing the costs thorough bonds or other instruments of debt. The use of <br />County sales tax revenues would also avoid municipal taxpayers paying twice. We would emphasize <br />that the use of any resources of the municipalities would constitute double taxation. <br />Point A6: Analysis of indirect costs to be chargeed against the Landfill Fund <br />We are not sure of the benefit of an independent analysis of the indirect costs of administering the solid <br />waste operations. It appears that the County believes that the $115,000 (FY 98/99) that the Landfill <br />Fund pays to the Chapel Frill General Fund for such costs would not be sufficient should the County be <br />the administrator of the landfill. <br />Over the past 26 years, the wort: of the Solid Waste Management Department has grown significantly, <br />but gradually. Therefore, Landfill Fund administration has been gradually incorporated into the jobs of <br />many Town employees, including such positions as revenue collector, payroll clerk, personnel analyst, <br />Purchasing agent, finance director, personnel director and the like. Such work has also become a part <br />of the jobs of the Town Attorney, Assistant Town Manager and the Town Manager' None of these <br />Positions exist solely to serve Solid Waste and in no case does Landfill Fund - related work comprise the <br />full work; of any position outside of those positions that are part of the Solid Waste Department. <br />We believe that the existing cost allocation formula that assigns administrative overhead costs to the <br />Landfill Fund generally provides reasonable compensation for financial, personnel, and general <br />administrative services. <br />