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R <br />for the appropriate solid waste management, so the phrase "to the extent possible" should be <br />deleted. <br />Council Member Brown stated she was concerned that the option of implementing fees would not <br />mean that a new fee could be added, as well as an "availability fee ". <br />Mayor Waldorf noted the Council needed clarification on what "other fees" entails. <br />6. All parties will sign the Interlocal Agreement after it has been revised to incorporate <br />modifications. <br />(Council Member Edith Wiggins left at 2:50 p.m.) <br />7. Sixty acres of the Greene Tract shall be set aside for use by the County in future solid waste <br />management activities. <br />Council Member Evans noted she had reservations regarding the need for sixty acres. She stated <br />the value of this land is such that some could be sold and the money used to purchase land to build a <br />construction and demolition facility and have funds Ieft over. Mr. Wilson noted that about 14 acres <br />would be necessary to build a MRF or a transfer station. <br />8. Local governments shall continue to work, through the LOG, to site a transfer station and work <br />to develop options for materials recovery and construction and demolition disposal. <br />9. Until the County assumes responsibility the LOG shall continue to direct solid waste <br />management, as in the past, including operating by consensus. <br />10. Each government shall appoint two representatives to a Solid Waste Management Advisory <br />Commission, pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement, which shall succeed the LOG and begin <br />meeting on July 1. <br />UPDATES <br />Mr. Waldon gave a brief update on Comprehensive Plan issues and indicated staff reports will be <br />presented to the Council in September and October. <br />Mr. Waldon also gave a brief update on the Horace Williams Zoning district. He noted this is <br />scheduled for discussion at the Public Hearing on September 14th. <br />Mayor Waldorf said Orange .County Commissioners Chair Margaret -Brown had proposed that a <br />tour be organized to tour sites under construction to observe sedimentation and erosion control <br />practices. <br />Mayor Waldorf doted that OWASA will be asking all constituent governments to attend a Water <br />Summit regarding water quality in Jordan Lake. <br />