Orange County NC Website
MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Schools/Land Use Councils <br />FROM: Gene Bell, Interim Planning Director <br />SUBJ: Possible Structure for Communication <br />DATE: September 3, 1998 <br />At the June 3 meeting of the Schools/Land Use Councils, a basic framework for enhanced <br />communication between local governments and schools systems in Orange County was <br />discussed. Further discussion and refinement of the proposed framework occurred at meetings <br />on June 25 and August 17. The focus of communication would be local governments relaying <br />information on land development activities to the schools that could have an impact on their <br />facility needs; and school systems relaying information on future facilities needs /plans to local <br />governments well in advance so as to promote better coordination of activities and resources. <br />Three relevant areas were identified: roles of municipal /county government related to processing <br />development proposals, tracking cumulative development, and schools systems roles in keeping <br />local governments apprised of their activities. <br />Municipal /County Government Roles Related to Development Proposals <br />A first step would be for planning staff in each jurisdiction at the point of receiving a formal <br />development application (concept plan stage for Orange County) that meets a pre - determined <br />development threshold to forward it to their planning director. The planning director would relay <br />it to the manager who would elevate it to the attention of the governing board. At the same time, <br />the proposal would be forwarded to the appropriate school system superintendent and to the <br />managers of the other jurisdictions who would elevate it to their respective boards. Various <br />development thresholds and actions specific to each were discussed on June 3. A suggested <br />method of addressing these thresholds follows: <br />1. Development proposals of 30 or more units are shared with governing /school boards through <br />a manager's memo approach, but immediate action is not generally required. These are <br />reviewed at the next scheduled meeting of the Schools/Land Use Councils. <br />2. Developments ofd or more units would be included as an addendum in the next agenda <br />packet to governing/school board, but not be a part of the agenda. It would be transmitted via <br />