Orange County NC Website
I INANCE DEPARTMENT <br />Attachment 4 <br />1, geo <br />.: <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />GORDON R. BAKER <br />DOCTOR <br />To: County Commissioners <br />From: Finance Director <br />Subject: Recommended Policy on Fund Balance of'School Syste- <br />Date: February , <br />During the 198586 budget process, it was decided that a policy should be <br />developed regarding the appropriate amount of fund balance available but <br />,unappropriated that each school system should maiataiia. This policy would <br />be agreed upon by the County Commissioners and the Boards of Education. <br />This recommended policy regarding the fund balance applies to the local current <br />expense fund and addresses the maximum amount of fund balance available but <br />unappropriated that each system should•have at the beginning of each fiscal <br />year. <br />The school systems should maintain only the fund balance necessary to -meet their <br />cash flow-needs and. to make relatively minor adjustments is their appropriations <br />during the year. <br />The Local Government Commission monitors the fund balance -of the General Fund of <br />all tax levying units of government in North Carolina. They have established a <br />policy that .such. units of. government should maintain each fiscal year a General <br />Fund fund_-balance available in an amount equal to at least 8Z of the total <br />expenditures -of the General Fund for the year. The expenditures on which this <br />8x -is- computed includes the County's expenditures for the school systems' local <br />current expense as well as for their capital outlay. Thus, in meeting the Local <br />Government Commission's minimum standard of 8z, the County's fund balance avail- <br />able for the General Fund includes a substantial amount that is related to expen- <br />ditures for the school systems. The Local Gcve==enc Commission does not have <br />such a minimum standard for the school systems themselves. _One can conclude <br />from this that they rely on the counties to.maincain an adequate fund balance <br />level..for the school systems. <br />The superintendent and the finance director for Orange County Schools have <br />expressed their desire to build the fund balance available but unappropriated <br />in the local currea; se fund to a level of $L20,000.' This amount would <br />equal approximatel 2.7x�of the budgeted expenditures in this fund for 1985 -86 <br />as originally adopced�-_ Based on the fact that Orange County Schools receive <br />the.:major- portion. of their local current expense revenue from the County in <br />an' equal amount each month, and using the County's 8z minimum standard as a <br />gauge;= :a,2.7% - =. fund - balance level - should - be adequate. <br />