Agenda - 09-30-1998 - 1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-30-1998
Agenda - 09-30-1998 - 1
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Last modified
8/14/2015 10:02:38 AM
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7/1/2010 11:03:30 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19980930
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
RES-1998-030b A resolution of intent concerning the Role of The Schools and Land Use Councils 09-30-1998
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\1990-1999\1998
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Orange County Schoolsr <br /> � Technology & Media Accomplishments <br /> July 1996 - March 1998 <br /> Infrastructure <br /> 1. Completed and activated all school data and video cabling systems <br /> 2. Completed and activated all data cabling systems at all administrati�ce sites <br /> 3. Implemented a completely new network at New Hope Elementary including fileservers,workstations,and printers <br /> 4. Transitioned all workstations at Central Office, Support Services, Maintenance, and Transportation to Windows 95 <br /> 5. Implemented systemwide computer repair work order system <br /> Connectivity <br /> 1. Migrated all school fileservers to Novell 4.11 <br /> 2. Inserted ali schooi fileservers into the State Novell 4.11 Directory Services Tree,which allows intra-system connectivity <br /> 3. Connected all schoois via high speed data link the to Internet <br /> 4. Initiated a management system of all school networks from Support Services <br /> 5. Connected the AS400 minicomputer that houses financial and human resources data to all school sites <br /> 6. Developed the current Orange County Schools'web site and continue expansion of content <br /> 7. Implemented new telephone systems with voice mail at eight school sites and the Central Office <br /> 8. Implemented systemwide electronic mail for all teachers,administrators,and staff <br /> Instruction <br /> 1. Increased the passing rate on the North Carolina Test of Computer Skills from 60.1 on the pilot test to 85.1 in the 1996-1997 school year <br /> 2. Implemented online course registration at Orange High Schoot <br /> 3. Implemented new Business Education computer labs(5 Labs)with software aligned to the Business Ed Blueprints <br /> 4. Designed the North Carolina Computer Skills Curriculum component of Orange County Schools' K-12 Parent Guides <br /> 5. Proposed for board adoption the Orange County Schools' Internet Acceptable Use Policy <br /> 6. Designed and implemented a 5th Grade Computer Skills checksheet for students'course selection at the middle schools <br /> 7. Provided instructional management software which allowed the accessibility of Testlets electronically to all schools <br /> 8. Standardized electronic resources for teachers(Electric Library, Britannia Encyclopedia) <br /> 9. Created a team approach using the technology consulting teachers to provide technology services to teachers <br /> Staff Development <br /> 1. Offered summer program for teacher technology training Tech Direct 97. <br /> 2. Provided training for all Technology Consu�ting Teachers on Novell 4.11 administration <br /> 3. Provided advanced technology training for Business Education Teachers <br /> 4. Provided staff development for the Clerical Team on Windows 95 and Microsoft Office <br /> 5. Provided staff development for parents on how to purchase a personal computer at Christmas <br /> 6. Implemented the Technology Training Lab at Support Services <br /> 7. Provided training for the Network Technician that allowed for CNE certification <br />
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