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44 <br />JUNE 2Z. 1998 8000 REGULAR MEETING DR AFB' <br />d Proposal to form a new Environment and Resource Conservation <br />beoarbment <br />The Board considered establishing a new Environment and Resource <br />Conservation Department <br />Commissioner Gordon said that we have been taking about having this as a <br />separate department instead of a separate function. She recommends that this <br />deparb»ent be established and she read the steps for implementation as included in <br />the agenda. <br />Commissioner Crowther said that he does not want this to be a separate <br />department He supports bringing resource conservation ~ a higher level. However. <br />he beNeves we already have the Soil and Water Conservation Department. and that <br />some of the things we would kke to do are being done at the state and federal level. <br />He also wants to see what functions our Economic Development Department will be <br />doing. <br />Commissioner Carey said that he has some similar concerns. He would like <br />to see a comprehensive report before they take any further action on creating a new <br />department. He feels that the Cost of County Government will increase if we add <br />another departmerrt. He would like to see it in an existing department until we see how <br />it progresses. He feels that the Soil and Water Conservation Aepartment does a great <br />job. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis supports what Commissioner Gordon is proposing. <br />He would like to see this move ahead. He would hope that the County Manager could <br />find existing resources to put into resource conservation. He feels this concern goes <br />far beyond what the state is supporting and he does not ses this as a part of the <br />Planning Department. <br />Commissioner Gordon feels that people are interested in environment and <br />resout~ce Protection and that hardly anything the County does is directed toward these <br />two areas. She feels the department is sorely needed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Chap Brown <br />tv establish a new Environment and Resource Conservation Department to inGude the <br />four steps as outlined in the agenda abstract and incorporated here by reference. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 3; Nos, 2 (Commissioners Carey and Crowther) <br />DRAFT <br />