Agenda - 10-06-1998 - 10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-06-1998
Agenda - 10-06-1998 - 10a
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8/14/2015 9:59:04 AM
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7/1/2010 9:58:05 AM
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Agenda Item
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3 <br />Memorandum <br />To: Board of Commissioners <br />From: John Link, County Manager <br />Date: October 6, 1998 <br />Re: Environment and Resource Conservation Department (ERCD) <br />On June 22, the Board approved the creation of a new Environment and <br />Resource Conservation Department (abbreviated herein as ERCD). Please find <br />attached the results of a staff work group which has worked over the past two <br />months to develop a plan for implementing the new department. The attached <br />report summarizes my recommendations for the new department. I am <br />recommending that the Board consider this proposal on October 6, with an <br />action item for October 20, 1998. The effective date for the new department <br />would be November 23, 1998. <br />In developing this report, the staff work group has used Dr. Cordon's May 25 <br />memoranda as a basis for defining a mission and charge for the department. <br />Using this mission statement and the adopted Commissioners' goals, proposals <br />for departmental tasks and responsibilities, work plans, personnel and equipment <br />needs have been generated -based on our understanding to date. As such, we <br />recognize that all points of emphasis may not yet be addressed. <br />To summarize, after evaluating the mission, tasks and needs of the new <br />department, I am recommending that it include four permanent positions, one <br />shared position with the Planning Department, plus one and one-half time-limited <br />positions (scheduled to end 6/30/99) currently filled for specific projects. Existing <br />staff will be utilized to fill these positions, with the exception of a new Natural <br />Resources Conservation Manager and Administrative Assistant to be hired <br />(please see Attachment B). Short-term space arrangements are proposed that <br />will not require any current additional funding, but long-term needs may require <br />alterations to the Planning and Agricultural Center beyond FY 2000. <br />The estimated expenses for start-up of the department are approximately <br />$52,000 for the current fiscal year (including half-year salaries and benefits for <br />the Natural Resource Conservation Manager and Administrative Assistant). I am <br />recommending that funding for these current year needs be taken from the <br />$250,000 contingency set aside when the FY 99 budget ordinance was adopted. <br />
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