Orange County NC Website
16 <br />In accordance with the Stop Work Order posted on your property <br />on Monday, March 23, 1998, you are hereby ordered to cease <br />and desist all dumping on the premises immediately: <br />2. You are hereby ordered to remove all materials from the premises <br />and take them to the Orange County Landfill on or before <br />Monday April 13, 1998 (Do not bury or burn any of the <br />materials.); <br />3. You are hereby ordered to provide this office with tipping fee <br />receipts for the materials taken to the Orange County Landfill no <br />later than Tuesday, April 14, 1998; and <br />4. You are hereby ordered to remove ~ junked or wrecked motor <br />vehicles from the premises on or before Monday, April 13, 1998. <br />As of October 6, 1998, none of the provisions of the abovelisted orders <br />has been met. If Mr. Hurley were to be assessed civil penalties again at <br />$100 per day (the maximum allowed by the Zoning Ordinance), as of <br />October 6, 1998, the amount would be over $21,000. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the Board of County <br />Commissioners consider assessing civil penalties in amount of $4,000 <br />payable within 30 days of the assessment. If the amount is not paid <br />within that time, and/or the property is not brought into compliance, the <br />case should be turned over to the County Attorney to take appropriate <br />action. <br />