Agenda - 10-06-1998 - 8k
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-06-1998
Agenda - 10-06-1998 - 8k
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Last modified
7/1/2010 8:46:11 AM
Creation date
7/1/2010 8:46:09 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19981006
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
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13 <br />The Claytons were ordered to do the following on or before March 3, <br />1998: <br />1. Remove all junked or wrecked motor vehicles from the premises <br />and dispose of them in a manner which would not violate <br />respective provisions of the Zoning Ordinance; <br />2. Take the batteries to a recycling center and provide receipts; <br />3. Take all white appliances, domestic waste, and razed building <br />materials to the Orange County Landfill and provide the Planning <br />Office with tipping fee receipts; and <br />4. Take all tires to the Orange County Landfill and provide the <br />planning Office with proof of delivery. <br />If these violations were not corrected on or before March 2, 1998, the <br />Zoning Enforcement Officer would request the Board of County <br />Commissioners to assess civil penalties in the amount of $100 per day <br />until the violations were corrected. The Claytons were not heard from, <br />and the property had not been brought into compliance by March 2. <br />The Claytons were notified that the Board of County Commissioners <br />would consider assessing civil penalties at its meeting of April 21. The <br />Claytons called the day of the meeting to announce that they had <br />contacted a contractor to remove the motor vehicles within 30 days. The <br />Zoning Enforcement Officer told the Board of Commissioners about <br />this, and they removed the request to assess civil penalties from the <br />agenda. In the following four months, little or no further progress has <br />been made to bring the property into compliance. <br />If assessments were made at $100 per day (the maximum allowed by the <br />Zoning Ordinance), civil penalties on October 6, 1998, would amount to <br />nearly $ 22,000. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the Board of County <br />Commissioners consider assessing civil penalties in amount of $3,000 <br />(increased from $2,000 which would have been proposed to the Board of <br />Commissioners at its Apri121 meeting) payable within 30 days of the <br />assessment. If the amount is not paid within that time, and/or the <br />property is not brought into compliance, the case should be turned over <br />to the County Attorney to take appropriate action. <br />
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