Orange County NC Website
7. Comply with all applicable requirements of all Federal <br />laws, executive orders, regulations, and policies <br />governing this program; and <br />8. Comply with the requirements of the Resource <br />Conservation and Recovery Act which mandates that State <br />agencies using Federal funds have procurement programs <br />which give preference to products containing recycled <br />materials when purchasing specific products identified <br />in guidelines developed by the Environmental Protection <br />Agency (40 CFR 247-253). <br />10. USE OF CONSULTANTS <br />As required by HUD's Appropriations Act, salary payments to <br />consultants under this instrument shall not exceed the equivalent <br />of the maximum daily rate paid to SES Level 4 Federal employees. <br />Further guidance on procurement actions which the Recipient is <br />required to follow under this instrument is contained in 24 CFR <br />Part 85.36 (Attachment C to this cooperative agreement). <br />11. PUBLICATIONS AND NEWS RELEASES <br />A. Definition. For the purpose of this clause "publication" <br />includes: <br />1. Any document containing information for public <br />consumption; or <br />2. Any act of, or any.act which may result in, disclosing <br />information to the public. <br />B. The results of any education and outreach efforts of the <br />agency can be made available to the public through <br />dedication, assignment by the Government, or other such <br />means as the Secretary may determine. <br />C. Government Ownership of Official Products of Work <br />All interim and final reports and information, data analyses, <br />special methodology, findings, and their related documents and <br />work products, including reports, work sheets, survey instruments, <br />computer tapes, and any other physical materials and products <br />produced directly under the Statement of Work of this instrument <br />are considered Official Products of Work, owned by the U. S. <br />Government and held for the benefit of the public. <br />