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3 <br />THE CRITERIA FOR PROCESSING <br />This document is an attachment to the cooperative agreement <br />between HUD and State or local Agencies participating in the Fair <br />Housing Assistance Program (FHAP). These criteria for processing <br />establish uniform standards for acceptable processing of dual- <br />filed fair housing complaints for which a State or local Fair <br />Housing Enforcement Agency (the Agency or Agencies) may receive <br />credit for funding support under FHAP. The criteria establish <br />the minimum actions which must be taken and identify the <br />documentation which must be submitted to HUD. The criteria are <br />designed to assure the uniform, `timely, and quality processing of <br />fair housing complaints. <br />I. INVESTIGATION <br />A. The Complaint Intake <br />1. An aggrieved person may file a complaint alleging <br />discriminatory housing practices that have <br />occurred or terminated within the prescribed <br />statutory time frame under the Federal Fair <br />Housing Act and the State and local Agency's fair <br />housing law. <br />2. The complaint must be in writing, signed and <br />affirmed by the person filing the complaint. The <br />complaint shall be affirmed, attested to and/or <br />notarized as prescri ed by the re evant State or <br />local law: <br />3. Each complaint must contain the following <br />information: <br />(a) The name and address of the aggrieved person; <br />(b) The name and address of the respondent; <br />(c) A description and the address of the dwelling <br />which is involved, if appropriate; and <br />(d) A concise statement of the facts, including <br />pertinent dates, constituting the alleged <br />discriminatory housing practice. <br />4. A complaint is "filed" when it is received by a <br />certified substantially equivalent Agency; is in <br />writing or is reduced to writing; and reasonably <br />contains the four elements stated in paragraph 3 <br />above. However, a "filed" complaint must be <br />signed; note: a complaint may be signed at any <br />time during the investigation. Filing a complaint <br />should not be delayed beyond •30 days after receipt <br />