Orange County NC Website
2 <br />appropriate Agency official to determine the reason(s) for the <br />delay in processing. If, as a result of the conference, it is <br />determined that the Agency will proceed expeditiously, the <br />complaint may be left with the Agency. for a reasonable period of <br />time. The Agency official will be required to commit to a date <br />certain for the completion of the complaint investigation. <br />Each request for payment must comply with the conditions and <br />requirements set forth in the cooperative agreement. <br />Additionally, the GTR may deny payment when requests are not <br />submitted in the prescribed format described in section A.2 of <br />the Statement of Work. Failure to comply with any provision of <br />the cooperative agreement, Statement of Work or other appendices <br />and attachments can result in reduction of funding, nonpayment <br />for work or a portion of work, or termination of the agreement. <br />An Agency's request for payment also may be denied when the <br />case file shows referral for enforcement proceedings <br />(administrative or judicial), but does not inclade the date of <br />referral and an assurance by the Agency that further milestones <br />and ultimate resolution will be provided to HUD. The GTR may <br />approve payment when the necessary information has been provided. <br />However, if payment was made and the Agency does not furnish the <br />required information, the GTR should formally request that 50$ of <br />the payment authorized and received by the Agency be returned to <br />HUD. <br />