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ZV. EXCFIANCR OE' 7:NFORMATION <br />A. Both the FEPA and Ff;QC shall make available foL- <br />inspection and copying to appropriate officials from the <br />other Agency any information which may assist each Agency <br />in carrying out its responsibilities. Such information <br />shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, <br />investigative files, conc:ili.ation agreements, staffing <br />information, case management printouts, charge processing <br />documentation, and any other material and data as may be <br />related to the processing of dual-filed charges or <br />administration of the contract. The Agency accepting <br />information agrees to comply with any cazifidentiality <br />requirements imposed on •the agency providing the <br />information. With respect to all information obtained <br />from EEOC, the FEPA agrees to observe the confidentiality <br />provisions of Title VII, ADEA, EP1~, and ADA. <br />B. In order to expedite the resolution of charges or <br />faciliCate the working of this Agreement, eit~~er Agency <br />may request or permit personnel of the other Agency to <br />accompany or to observe irs personnel when processing a <br />charge. <br />V. RESOLUTION OF CHARGES <br />A. Both agencies will adhere to the procedures set out in <br />EEOC's order 916, Substantial Weight Review Manual, and <br />the State and Local Handbook. <br />B. For the purpose of according substantial weight to the <br />FEPA final finding and order, the FEPA must submit to the <br />EEOC copies of all documents pertinent to conducting a <br />substantial weight review; the evaluation will be <br />designed to determine whether the following items have <br />been addressed in a manner sufficient to satisfy EEOC <br />requirements; including, but not limited ta: <br />Z. jurisdictional requirements, <br />2. investigation and resolution of all relevant issues <br />alleging personal harm with appropriate <br />documentation and using proper theory, _ <br />3. relief, if appropriate, <br />4. mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing compliance <br />with all terms of conciliation .agreements, orders <br />after public hearing or consent orders to which the <br />FEPA is a party. <br />