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TOWN OF CARRBORO <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />September 22, 1998 <br />Ms. Margaret Brown, Chair <br />Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />P.O. -Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough N. C. 27278 <br />Dear Margaret: <br />p ~c~~ue~ <br />SEP 2 4 1998 D <br />It is my pleasure to inform you that the Carrboro Board of Aldermen and I have <br />completed our responses to your most recent memo. Generally speaking, there appeared <br />to be support for your proposals. There~were, however, several items the Board decided <br />needed to be fine-tuned. The following reflects our proposed changes: <br />L -GREENS 'TRACT <br />(a) Carrboro acquiesces to using no more than 60 acres of the Greene tract or <br />solid waste-related activities. <br />Additionally, an easement should be placed on the property precluding the <br />siting of a MSW landfill on this tract. <br />(b) Additionally, Carrboro proposes that the remainder of the Greene tract <br />be divided as follows: <br />(1) Affordable HousinJLand Trust <br />Twenty (20) acres should be placed into a land trust for <br />development of housing. <br />(2) Conservation Park <br />The remaining acreage should be set aside as a conservation park. <br />Additionally, it is our position that, if reasonably possible, the conservation <br />area should be set aside in such a manner as to buffer existing neighbors. <br />J <br />30i '+vES' M;,w STREET CraRR80R0 n+C '_75.0 ~9i9~ 9a_85=~ FaX X9141 96H-7737 TDD t9~9i 968.7717 <br />