Orange County NC Website
~~~g/9g ~=~= <br />Next Steps <br /> <br />As soon as negotiations are concluded with the materials recovery facility consultant, we would <br />like to begin work on development of the facility and believe that could start as soon as later <br />,October or early November with a series of meetings of Owners Group member governments, <br />staff, consultants and the public to discuss specific materials recovery facility concepts. This <br />could coincide with siting efforts for the facility. <br />According to North Carolina's solid waste plan requirement, regardless of where waste generated <br />in Orange County is disposed of, it will count against us in measuring our progress towards waste <br />reduction goals. Therefore, we believe it is also in our interest to determine a location for a <br />construction and demolition waste management facility so we would have a location for any <br />construction and demolition recycling and recovery facilities that we would need to meet this <br />component of our waste reduction goals. Local ownership of such a facility would also enable <br />sound management of these types of wastes. <br />Following receipt of the finance committee's recommendations, the Owners Group could begin <br />the process of determining the means to finance implementation of the waste reduction and <br />recycling elements of the plan. <br />Recommendation <br />We recommend that the Owners Group adopt the timetable and elements proposed in <br />the resolution for implementation of the solid waste plan. <br />attachments (4) <br />Memorandum from Joyce Brown <br />Table comparing Waste Reduction Goals <br />Memorandum to Owners Group May 8,1998 <br />Timetable for implementation of plan <br />