Agenda - 10-06-1998 - 5d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-06-1998
Agenda - 10-06-1998 - 5d
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Last modified
6/30/2010 3:52:26 PM
Creation date
6/30/2010 3:52:24 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19981006
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1998
RES A Resolution Requesting That the NCACC Consider proposing legislation of statewide applicability on certain issues for consideration during the 1999 session of the NC General Assembly 10-06-1998-5d
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\1990-1999\1998
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<br />-page 4 - <br />Conduct a full C&D landfill siting process (similar to unsuccessful one conducted for an <br />NISW site). <br />It is possible to implement a comprehensive county-wide C&D landfill site search process. Such a process <br />could be initiated within 30 days, however, from experience it is difficult to predict the duration. We had <br />initially estimated the 1990 site search to be completed in 18 months. <br />It could cost $100,000-$150,000 to have an engineering firm conduct the search. The LOG would be <br />heavily involved in establishment of screening and ranking criteria, and the review of information. <br />Alternatively, a citizens committee could be formed to lead the search; this would likely prolong the <br />process. Our present C&D facility will be full by early 2000. <br />Conclusion <br />None of the sites currently identified are without problems or drawbacks. We believe there are no sites in <br />Orange County that would be found to be without problems. Regardless of the process used to identify <br />sites, the final decision will adversely affect or be perceived to adversely affect someone. <br />We believe that it is imperative that a decision be made soon regarding future C&.D management for Oran <br />County. Not on y is ere a nee or spos o unrecyc a e was es, u so a nee or an area <br />waste represents one-tturd of our waste stream. <br />~%~ Recommendation: We recommend the Old NC 86 site as the most suitable location for the new facili .The <br />ac oo srte or a reeve tract wo so be suita le. <br />We further recommend that the LOG consider a comprehensive C&D ordinance ro osal which would <br />si cants reduce the C&D waste available for dis oral, as described in a en a e e 'eve at such <br />an or mance s ou a augmented by recycling/salvage operations located at the ispos site at <br />wo manage a maten ui uce rom a waste stream. <br />
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