Orange County NC Website
!$ <br />- page 3 - <br />Key Points <br />- We believe that 60 acres, as outlined in the enclosed drawing, would provide suitable space for a C&D <br />disposal facility. <br />-Property is already owned by owners of the landfill. <br />- Entrance would be from Eubanks Road through an easement on the western portion of the Neville tract. <br />- The railroad easement. would provide additional buffer on the eastern side. The required 30' easement <br />would separate this site from the Neville tract, however, the entire Neville tract could be considered <br />essentially buffer. As drawn, about 500' would separate the site from the western property line. Other <br />buffers are shown at the required 200' minimum. <br />-Site is adjacent to existing facilities and could be fully integrated with other solid waste operations. <br />- Highest number of residences impacted. <br />Summary Table of Site Options <br /> Old N.C. 86 Blackwood E ansion Greene Tract (***) <br />Total Site Area (acres) 133 59 60 <br />Estimated Purchase Price $1,300,000 (**) $885,000 (*) 0 <br />Max. Yeazs of Ca aci 40 42 40 <br />Residences within 1,000 <br />of Pro e 9 18 59 <br />Notes: <br />(*) = Assuming $15,000 per acre; <br />(**) = Assuming asking price of $10,000 per acre; and <br />(***) = Revised per 60-acre option presented by Orange County. <br />Decision Process Options <br />We believe that there are three primary options for resolving the issue of future C&D management in <br />Orange County. Other options may also possible. <br />Select one of the current three site options (Blackwood expansion, Old NC 86, and Greene <br />tract). <br />The three options presented on page three above, represent 3 viable and diverse site options. We believe <br />that sufficient technical information and input from the public has been presented in order to make an <br />informed decision from among these choices. We believe that the Blackwood expansion and the Old NC 86 <br />site would require use of eminent domain. <br />- Conduct another county-wide site search for freely offered land for sale using original or new <br />screening criteria. <br />We conducted acounty-wide search this past spring at the direction of the LOG and identified 5 parcels <br />which met our screening criteria. An on-site engineering evaluation of the five sites resulted in the <br />elimination of two because of water or rock concerns. Over the period of LOG discussions, two more were <br />sold. Only one site remains from that siting process -Old NC 86, originally estimated to be the most <br />suitable among the five. <br />Instituting another similar process could result >n additional sites being identified. It would cost <br />approximately $20,000 and take a minimum of 90 days. Of course, there is no guarantee that a site more <br />favorable that the one on Old NC 86 would be identified. <br />