Orange County NC Website
<br />Memorandum <br />AGENDA #6 <br />To: Landfill Owners Group <br />From: Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Director _ <br />Subject: Construction and Demolition Facility Siting <br />Date: October 8, 1998 <br />This memorandum presents options for proceeding to finalize the selection of a site for our future <br />construction & demolition disposal and recycling facility. _ <br />Backgrround <br />When the siting process was initiated in early 1990 for a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill, it was <br />assumed that such a site, when identified and acquired, would also provide an area for the disposal of <br />construction & demolition materials (C&D). As the process became protracted and it became likely that a <br />new MSW facility would not be acquired, we initiated a dialogue with the Landfill Owners Group regarding <br />the need for a C&D facility prior to solving our MSW capacity problem. <br />In the summer of 1996 we began discussing C&D management options with the LOG. In December 1996, <br />we prepared a comprehensive report (attachment 1) discussing a wide range of options and advising that <br />about 2 1/2 years of capacity remained. (Since that time we have made some operational adjustments that <br />has given us 6-8 months of additional capacity, with the estimated new full capacity date of early 2000.) <br />The LOG sponsored a public forum on five distinct options in January 1997: <br />• no new landfill or facility of any kind <br />• landfill only, no waste reduction <br />• transfer station to ship waste out <br />• manual waste reduction facility . <br />• semi-automated waste reduction facility <br />Following the forum, the LOG examined the options and decided not to build any facility for C&D, but to <br />pursue an ordinance meant to reduce C&D waste at the landfill. The LOG has spoken of C&D on several <br />occasions since the early 1997 decision to not develop a facility to recycle or reduce C&D, as the <br />uncertainty of what would happen when we reached capacity persisted. <br />In February, 1998 the LOG asked the staff to initiate a site search for freely offered property for purchase <br />within Orange County, suitable for a C&D disposal facility. The search for freely offered sites culminated <br />in a May, 1998 report (attachment 2) which discussed the search process and its results. The only suitable <br />site remaining among those discussed in the report is the site on Old NC 86, which happened to be <br />considered the best site among the original five finalists and was recommended by staff. The LOG was <br />unable to agree to acquire this site. We believe that the inability to negotiate without the benefit of the <br />potential of using eminent domain as leverage resulted in an asking price which exceeded current market <br />value. <br />On September 10, 1998 the LOG and the governing boards of Carrboro and Chapel Hill sponsored a public <br />hearing on the county's need for C&D management and, on possible locations for siting a management <br />facility. A diversity of viewpoints were expressed at the hearing. <br />We are now awaiting advice from the LOG on how C&D materials might be managed in the future. <br />