Orange County NC Website
0 <br />Two resolutions are provided for your consideration: <br />* Resolution A would recommend to the governing boards the <br />acquisition of a specific site (not currently owned by the LOG) <br />for property on which to develop a Materials Recovery <br />Facility, utilizing landfill reserve funds . (Specific site to be <br />inserted into resolution depend upon final choice.) <br />If resolution A is preferred, we would suggest that the LOG <br />.direct the staff to negotiate for a suitable parcel at the <br />location of choice, entering into a conditional offer to purchase <br />contract (based on a recent appraisal or other market <br />instrument), and returning at the November LOG meeting for <br />consideration of resolution A. At that time, the LOG would be <br />made aware of the specific price, if negotiations were <br />successful,. for the property being recommended to the boards for <br />purchase. <br />* Resolution B would recommend to the governing boards that a <br />currently owned site be utilized on which to develop a Materials <br />Recovery Facility. <br />If resolution B below is preferred, we would suggest that we <br />immediately forward the Owners Group recommendation for governing <br />board consideration and authorize the Chapel Hill Town Manager to <br />begin negotiations for the single parcel to be used for the <br />relocated yard waste/mulch processing area (Greene tract option <br />does not require purchase of single parcel). <br />Additionally, while reviewing our current North Eubanks landfill <br />site that led to our discovery of the new MRF site option, we also <br />discovered a possible location for a transfer station, if certain <br />other landfill operations are relocated. 'T'his new possible <br />transfer station site. is located in the area of .the county <br />convenience center and equipment yard, to the right (east) of the <br />scales (see attachment 1). The convenience center could be <br />relocated across the road since the south side will be closed when <br />the transfer facility is needed. If the LOG would like additional <br />information on the possible new transfer station site, we could <br />provide it at the November LOG meeting. <br />Recommendation: That the Landfill Owners Group select a site from <br />the above list of candidate sites, or other sites as identified, <br />or e oca ion o t e new Orange County Materials Recovery <br />r~aciiiLy. <br />Our revised recommendation is the North Eubanks Road site <br />(Resolution B), which would include the acquisition of 1 parcel <br />(7.18..27E - 3.62 acres) directly west-of the North Eubanks Road <br />landfill (Greene tract option. does not .require purchase of single <br />parcel) . <br />