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transportation costs <br />- due to special design and construction techniques would <br />likely cost about $400,000 more than other options <br />- regulatory uncertainty <br />- possible ongoing MRF operation problems or post-closure <br />landfill problems <br />- would not require the purchase of additional property <br />* North Eubanks Landfill [includes 1 parcel (7.18..27E - 3.62 <br />acres erect y west o ort u an s oa an fill <br />property - Revise to Recommen anon <br />- would integrate into current operations <br />- continued impact to already impacted neighborhoods <br />- near recyclable generation centers, minimizing <br />transportation costs <br />- would allow use of generally unusable area of current <br />1 andf i 11 <br />- would allow for proceeding immediately with solid <br />waste plan implementation and MRF procurement process <br />- would require the purchase of one 3.62 acre parcel for <br />about $45,000-$50,000 <br />This site has not been previously discussed and came to our <br />a en ion as a resu o our roves iga ions into locating a <br />transfer station on the closed North Eubanks Road landfill. <br />A Chapel Hill council member initiated the closed landfill <br />inquiry. <br />This site (attachment 1) is located between the closed <br />disposal area and the existing tire disposal/white goods <br />processing .area on the north .side of Eubanks Road where the <br />.yard waste/mulch processing is now located. It would <br />require relocating the existing yard waste processing area, <br />using a considerable amount of structural .fill material to <br />fill in a ravine, and installing a pipe there to channel <br />storm drainage beneath the site. <br />It does not require any of the special engineering <br />techniques discussed in Agenda #10a. It would require the <br />identification of a new area for yard waste processing; that <br />could be satisfied by acquiring only the eastern-most parcel <br />(7.18..27E - 3.62 acres) of the three properties contained <br />in our original recommendation. A recent appraisal on an <br />adjacent parcel would indicate a value of approximately <br />$45,000-$50,000 for the recommended parcel. <br />In order to proceed with planning for the procurement of the MRF <br />and the full implementation of the solid waste plan, . a site for the <br />MRF needs to be identified as soon as .possible. There has been <br />significant citizen involvement and considerable discussions by the <br />governing boards regarding the facility as a key element of the <br />county-wide solid waste management plan. <br />/~f <br />