Orange County NC Website
DRAFT <br /> <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT <br />THE NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />CONSIDER PROPOSING LEGISLATION OF STATEWIDE APPLICABILITY <br />ON CERTAIN ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION DURING THE 1999 SESSION OF <br />THE NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL ASSEMBLY <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly will convene in January 1999 to consider legislative <br />matters during its Long Session; and <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners will consider and adopt a slate of <br />legislative goals that will serve as the basis for various pieces of draft legislation, applicable on a <br />statewide basis, to be presented for consideration by the General Assembly in 1999; and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Board of Commissioners has identified a number of legislative changes <br />that, if adopted, it believes will contribute to the public good and benefit the citizens of Orange County <br />specifically and the State of North Carolina generally; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Orange County Board of Commissioners that it does <br />hereby convey to the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners its request that its legislative <br />concerns, as enumerated below, be incorporated into draft legislation applicable to counties throughout <br />North Carolina, and be presented to the North Carolina General Assemb'y within the timeframes <br />established by that body for consideration in 1999; <br />^ Issue A <br />^ Issue B <br />^ Issue C <br />^ Etc. <br />AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chair is authorized to convey this resolution to the North <br />Carolina Association of County Commissioners by means of a letter which elaborates on Orange <br />County's concerns and recommendations, to the extent the Chair deems that necessary and appropriate. <br />This, the 6`h day of October, 1998. <br />