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Attachment 3 <br />UNC- Chapel Hill Performance Ratings <br />Ratings <br />Outstanding Performance <br />Performance is far above the defined job expectations. The employee consistently does <br />outstanding work, regularly going far beyond what is expected of employees in this job. <br />Performance that exceeds expectations is due to the effort and skills of the employee. Any <br />performance not consistently exceeding expectations is minor or due to events not under the <br />control of the employee. <br />Very Good Performance <br />Performance meets the defined job expectations and in many instances, exceeds job expectations. <br />The employee generally is doing a very good job. Performance that exceeds expectations is due to <br />the effort and skills of the employee. <br />Good Performance <br />Performance meets the defined job expectations. The employee generally performs according to <br />the expectations doing a good job. The employee is doing the job .at the level expected for <br />employees in this position. The good performance is due to the employee's own effort and skills. <br />Below Good Performance <br />Performance may meet some of the job expectations but does not fully meet the remainder. The <br />employee generally is doing the job at a minimal level, and improvement is needed to fully meet <br />the expectations. Performance is less than a good job. Lapses in performance are due to the <br />employee's lack of effort or skills. <br />Unsatisfactory Performance <br />Performance generally fails to meet the defined expectations or requires frequent, close <br />supervision and/or the redoing of work. The employee is not doing the job at the level expected <br />for employees in this position. Unsuccessful job performance is due to the employee's own lack <br />of effort or skills. <br />Final Written Warning <br />