Orange County NC Website
9 <br />D. OCLC <br />Staff. 4 <br />One -to -One Program, trained OCLC tutors use a variety of methods and materials to <br />tailor instruction to the individual student's long and short-term goals. Job - related <br />goals may include completing forms; using computers; improving basic math, <br />spelling, and communication skills. <br />Small group classes will be offered to groups of 3 to 10 students. These classes will <br />be learned- centered and based on the goals of the group. As community needs <br />dictate, classes may be offered on specific topics or more general subjects covering a <br />variety of job- and home - related skills. <br />E. ESC <br />Staff. 1 <br />Job Listings — A comprehensive database lists of openings with both public and <br />private sector employers. These include local, statewide, and out -of -state vacancies <br />for those clients who are willing to relocate. <br />Career Information - Clients can access valuable information about careers, <br />vocational preparation, and job seeking skills. Much of this information is compiled <br />by the Department of Labor. Some of the information is automated and available for <br />self - directed searches. Other information is printed or in video form. <br />Job Seeking/Job Retention Skills Workshops - Through workshops of varying <br />duration, clients can receive group exposure to these skills. The program includes <br />videos, printed materials and handbooks, practice sessionals, etc. <br />Specialized Placement - Specialists will be available to provide individual assistance <br />to certain applicant groups including veterans, older workers, youth, and the <br />disabled. <br />