Orange County NC Website
-~.~ n <br />SUNDERLAND ENGINEERING 3 <br />Cansuiting Engineers PO Bex 14524 <br />{919) 477-,'031 RTP, NC 27709 <br />September 22, 1998 <br />Pam Jones <br />Orange County Public Works <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27278 <br />Dear 11ds Jones, <br />We are pleased to submit this proposal to you for engineering design services pertaining to the <br />Emergency Shelter Generator projects located at 2 schools in Chapel Hili, NC. Included in this <br />letter is an outline of the proposed design services, fee requirements and expected schedule. <br />Sunderland Engineering will provide services to you to prepare the complete set of construction <br />documents for the project based upon our agreed scope of work. Items included in services are all <br />work required to complete the bid documents and specifications, including all field surveys, bid <br />negotiation, shop drawing review, construction administration, and final closeout as required <br />throughout the construction period of the project. <br />-Sunderland Engineering will complete the work described above for a fixed fee of $B,OOQ.UO, <br />plus reimbursable expenses. We assume that all building floor plans and electrical drawings will be <br />- made available and that you will provide us with your standard front end specifications. <br />We are prepared to begin work immediately and complete the drawings within 3 weeks, at <br />which time a bid date can be set and the construction portion of the project can begin. Thank you <br />for this opportunity and I look forward to continuing work with you on the project. Please call me <br />with any questions ybu may have regarding the content of this proposal, I would be glad to provide <br />further information. <br />Sincerely, <br />Gary L. Sunderland, PE <br />j <br />cc: file 1V181 <br />