Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Act as an advocate for families in negotiation the systems of care. Evaluation of home <br />visitation programs supports their effectiveness. Long -term benefits include fewer <br />subsequent pregnancies, reduced maternal criminal behavior, decrease in use of welfare, <br />decrease in verified incidents of child abuse and neglect, less alcohol and drug abuse in <br />mothers. Short-term benefits include increased use of prenatal care, increased birth <br />weight, increased use of health and other community resources (e.g., well-child visits, <br />family planning, WIC nutrition program, immunizations). Also, greater interest by fathers <br />in the pregnancy, increased length of maternal employment, increased rate of return to, or <br />retention in, school by mothers, improved growth in low birth - weight babies and higher <br />developmental quotients in infants visited have been demonstrated. <br />Recommendation: The Manager recommends the Board receive the report and approve <br />the development of a proposed contract arrangement that will establish two permanent, <br />time - limited family service coordinator positions. No county funds are required for this <br />arrangement. The contract will come before the Board for approval at a future meeting. <br />