Orange County NC Website
Orange County Planning Board Minutes (draft) <br />October 7, 1998 10 <br />b. Preliminary Plans <br />(1) Price Creek Estates <br />Presentation by Jim Hinkley. <br />The northern portion of the proposed 21 -lot Price Creek Estates major <br />subdivision straddles the Orange- Chatham County Line in Chapel Hill <br />Township. Proposed lots 11 & 12 lie partially in Orange County. The 19 <br />other lots have already received approval from Chatham County. Access to <br />the proposed subdivision is exclusively through Orange County via Booth <br />Road (SR 153 1) and newly named Amber Wood Run (changed from Price <br />Creek Drive in the Concept Plan because of duplication), a proposed public <br />residential street which intersects with Booth Road. The Orange County <br />portions of Lots 11 & 12 (totaling five acres) are to be created from an <br />existing parcel of record (Tax Map No. 7.120.39). <br />A major subdivision application is required in Orange County because a <br />new public road - Amber Wood Run - is being dedicated. <br />The Orange County Fire Marshal and EMS indicate that the subdivision can <br />be served adequately by their respective agencies. <br />The Planning Board approved the Concept Plan at its meeting June 3, 1998 <br />with the condition that the name Price Creek Drive must be changed to one <br />that is not duplicative of other road names in Orange County. Please note <br />that on the proposed Preliminary Plat the name of the road has been <br />changed to Amber Wood Run. This new name has been approved by the <br />Planning Staff. <br />At one time the property was located entirely within Chatham County. <br />Orange and Chatham Counties agreed on a new location of the county line <br />in 1990 -91. The boundary was moved south approximately 240 feet. <br />Booth Road runs into US 15 -501 in the Starpoint Community, just south of <br />the Orange County Line near the Smith Level Road inteiseetion. To the <br />north, Booth Road ends in the Orange County subdivision of Oak Crest <br />adjacent to Price Creek Estates. <br />Surrounding land uses are residential. The adopted Land Use Element of <br />the Comprehensive Plan designates the area as Rural Buffer, and the current <br />zoning is RB(UNIV- PW)- -Rural Buffer (University Lake Protected <br />Watershed). Flexible Development regulations do not apply in the Rural <br />Buffer. <br />Much of the acreage slopes to the west draining into the East Branch of <br />Price Creek which flows into University Lake approximately, one mile <br />north. The lots will be served by individual wells and septic systems. Given <br />that Chatham and Orange Counties are in different DOT districts, letters <br />from NCDOT included in the abstract attachments explain how <br />construction of the proposed road and future maintenance will be reviewed <br />and implemented. <br />